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After years of talking about it me and my long time friend of mine since junior High school (Mike Sullivan) are putting our own Country-Rock Band together. We have been kicking some names around and have came up with someyhing that I like . The Band Is more than likely gonna be called Lone HIWAY

Over the years I have played in several bands and Im lookin forward to working with Mike and the rest of the guys in the Band.So be checking back here to my page for Band Dates


Lone Hiway 

06/30/2007 09:00 PM - Texas Star

10260 Ferguson Rd, Dallas, Texas - free

Jerry and Judy's 54 wedding anniversary come on out and join the fun and free food

07/07/2007 09:00 PM - Country Roads
3261 FM 933, Whitney, Texas 76692 -

Great Dance Floor, Good Food Near Lake Whitney Cold Beer

07/14/2007 09:00 PM - Coyote Run
307 HWY 14, Mexia, Texas 76667 - cover

Great Place To Have Fun. Full Bar

08/04/2007 09:00 PM - Texas Star
10260 Ferguson Rd, Dallas, Texas -

08/31/2007 09:00 PM - Boots and Saddles
14010 Hwy 175, Seagoville, Texas 75253 - free

A great place to come Dance and also has a full Bar For more Info: 972-557-1638

09/01/2007 09:00 PM - Boots and Saddles
14010 Hwy 175, Seagoville, Texas 75253 - free

Drink specials and Motels close by incase ya get to drunk to drive or ya get Lucky... which ever comes!!!!