About Johnny Lee Cowger

JOHNNY LEE COWGER About page Johnny Lee's Photo's whats new page Contact Page Favorite Links Guest Book Page Guitar slingers PHOTOS My son Johnboy IRAQ PHOTOS Friends PHOTOS Music Buddies PHOTOS Photo Photo

Portrait By Tommy Stewart

The Man and his Music

Johnny lee cowger.

Just a Tad...

I have done a lot in my life in the Musics Bizz from opening up a show for Willie Nelson in 1986 to playing on stage with Texas Legend Billy joe shaver.His son Eddy Shaver was a good friend of mine and he was a hell of a lead player www.eddyshaver.com

I just wanted to make some kind od an inexpencive little web page so that I could share some of my life with the people.

I am working on a dot com for my Band it will be www.lonehiway.com

but it underconstruction right now !

I also have a MYSPACE page come check it out and be my friend there


For musicians and music bizz people check out




My E-mail address
